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The Impact of Ignoring AR/VR on Your Furniture Business

Every detail counts in furniture shopping — getting the size, color, and style right for your space is critical. However, even detailed presentations in elaborately designed showroom spaces in furniture stores only help to a limited extent in imagining how the furniture will look in its intended place. This is where immersive technologies such as […]

Wholesalers Alert: Important Tips for Debuting Your Virtual Showroom

Now that we’ve seen how virtual showrooms boost wholesale engagement, it’s time to discuss how to make it happen. There are a few things to remember to ensure your virtual showroom rocks and goes above and beyond what your retail partners expect. Let’s dive in and explore how to make it a game-changer for your sales […]

Virtual Showrooms for Furniture Wholesalers: Maximizing Efficiency and Engagement

Virtual showrooms have been gaining traction in the B2B landscape, but have you considered their potential as a game-changer for furniture wholesalers? In the dynamic world of B2B sales, the digital revolution is reshaping how furniture wholesalers connect with clients. Virtual showrooms are now at the forefront of wholesale engagement strategies. These innovative platforms go […]

Applications of Extended Reality Training: Onboarding, Technical Know-How, and More

Immerse yourself in the world of extended reality (XR) training! Experience hands-on learning in virtual environments that mirror real-life scenarios without risk or expense. With XR-based training, learners can cultivate new skills, build confidence, and tackle crucial decisions in a secure, controlled environment. XR encompasses a broad range of immersive learning technologies, such as virtual […]

What Are the Benefits of XR Tech in Training?

Today’s native digital learners anticipate and actively respond to innovative learning methods like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR). These immersive Extended Reality (XR) technologies offer heightened levels of realism, engagement, and interaction, allowing for impactful learning experiences. Extended Reality (XR) technologies are potent instruments for modern adult education, fostering active participation, engagement, retention, collaboration, […]

Optimize Property Viewings with Virtual Tours

Silversea Media has proudly served as the exclusive provider of virtual tour services for Housing & Development Board (HDB) Singapore for the past four years. We’ve recently solidified this partnership with a new two-year contract, extending our collaboration to six continuous years. Our 360° Virtual Tour services have been instrumental in showcasing their property projects, offering engaging […]

Winning with Immersive Technologies In The Real Estate Market

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are powerful immersive technologies taking the world by storm. The real estate industry, in particular, can benefit from implementing them into marketing strategies. With the potential to drive client growth and generate leads, immersive technologies offer promising prospects for real estate agents. According to Goldman Sachs, the real estate […]

Benefits of Going Immersive in Product Launches

As the world becomes more digitally connected, customers crave experiences beyond the ordinary. Enter the Enterprise Metaverse: a world of boundless possibilities where your customers don’t just see your product — they experience it. Whether you’re launching a tech gadget, a fashion line, or any innovative product, consider incorporating VR and AR into your presentations. […]

Revolutionizing Live Events: The Fusion of VR and AR in Concert Experiences

As technology continues to weave its threads into the fabric of entertainment, the metaverse becomes an integral part of the experience. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have emerged as the secret ingredients to transforming concerts into unforgettable experiences within this digital realm. Let’s dive into how AR and VR are reshaping the concert […]

A New Era of Hospitality: Immersive Technology in Hotels

As the travel and hospitality landscape continues to evolve, cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are revolutionizing how we experience destinations, accommodations, and leisure activities. From transforming the guest journey to reshaping marketing strategies, immersive technologies are unlocking endless possibilities for hotels, resorts, and travel businesses. Join us as we delve […]